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Smart Operations

Pioneering the fight against climate change: achieving CO2 neutrality for our service


Internet of Things


Innovation at the core of efficiency

At Selecta, we recognize that efficiency is the linchpin of sustainability. By integrating the Internet of Things (IoT) into our operations, we're pioneering a more efficient, responsive, and environmentally conscious service delivery model.


Smarter paths for a smaller footprint

Our adoption of IoT doesn't just connect us better with our services; it connects us with the future of eco-friendly operations. IoT technology enables us to optimize routes dynamically, ensuring that each journey our fleet undertakes is the most efficient it can be, reducing emissions and saving resources.

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Empowered by data, guided by responsibility

Our commitment to efficient operations is measurable. While specific percentages will vary as we continually improve and expand our capabilities, our direction is unwavering. We are dedicated to enhancing our operations with IoT, significantly contributing to our vision of a sustainable, technologically advanced service offering.


Telematics in vehicles:

A significant portion of our fleet is equipped with telematics, enabling us to monitor vehicle health, optimize routes, and train drivers in eco-efficient behaviours.


Telemetrics in machines:

We also ensure that a substantial percentage of our machines are fitted with telemetrics, allowing for optimized stocking and maintenance, reducing the need for unnecessary visits and energy use.